Security and Privacy

Business Continuity

Business Continuity

As regards the BCM - Business Continuity Management programme, NOS has specific processes to ensure the continuity of the critical operations and communications services provided to its Customers, including Crisis Management Plans for scenarios involving technical-operational failures or others with an impact on Customers and the brand’s reputation.

The BCM (Business Continuity Management) processes cover the most critical facilities, network infrastructures and activities supporting the Customer and the communication services, regarding which NOS has developed resiliency strategies, continuity plans and actions and incident/crisis management procedures. Continuity processes may be subject to periodical risk and impact analysis, as well as audits, tests and simulations.

NOS has also been working on the liaison with external official entities for response in disaster scenarios, protection of critical infrastructures and communication during crises, which includes cooperating with the Portuguese National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC – Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil).