Gender Equality Plan 2023
NOS, as an active agent in society, promotes equal opportunities and personal and professional development and promotes the reconciliation of personal, family and professional life.
The Plan will necessarily be transposed into the daily practice of all NOS resources, becoming a living element in the planning and organization of the work of all teams.
The full English version of NOS' Gender Equality Plan is available here.
Code of conduct for prevention and combat against harassment at work
NOS thus undertakes not to condone any form of harassment or any other form of attack on the dignity of its employees or the people with whom they relate, whenever the harassing behaviour is practiced by employees or members of corporate bodies of NOS Group companies.
The Code of Conduct for the Prevention and Combat of Harassment at Work develops and deepens this commitment, bringing together and making known a set of principles and rules that aim to prevent and, if necessary, combat harassment behaviour or any other form of attack on dignity of the employees or people with whom they relate.
Consult here the full version of our Code of conduct for prevention and combat against harassment at work.