On behalf of the Planet

Management of other environmental impacts

Combating climate change and promoting the circular economy are the means by which we can make a bigger difference to minimizing the environmental impacts associated with NOS.

Management of other environmental impacts
We are also concerned about managing other environmental impacts of our activities – from the prevention and monitoring of electro-magnetic fields, to the rational use of water resources and the protection of biodiversity, among others. To drive our progress on this front we have implemented an Environmental Management System certified according to the ISO 14001 standard, and which covers almost all of our operations.

Prevention and monitoring of electro-magnetic fields

The current scientific consensus is that there is no evidence of a relationship between adverse health effects and the use of mobile telecommunications equipment within the internationally agreed limits of exposure.

We commit to:

  • Informing our customers about possible risks relating to the use of the products and services that we supply;
  • Complying with all legal requirements and applying the principle of prevention and the precautionary principle to implement measures, which protect the population in general, our employees and partners, as well as other relevant bodies, against possible adverse effects in relation to human health from exposure to the electro-magnetic radiation generated by our infrastructure and equipment.

Water Consumption

Our activities do not involve the consumption of a significant volume of water. Nonetheless, we are aware that water is a scarce resource, the consumption of which we monitor and control in our support buildings, technical network, own stores and cinemas. Our premises in the Park of Nations in Lisbon has a system that allows rainwater to be collected and for it to be used in watering systems and for fighting fires in the building. Our only other source of water supply is from the municipal network.

Annual Monitoring Plan

The plan that we have implemented for our land based mobile and fixed network service covers all relevant installations, identified based on the requirements specifically defined for this purpose by the Portuguese regulator for telecommunications (ANACOM). The results are communicated to local and national authorities, including ANACOM.

We reduce the use of plastic and increase awareness among our people

We have carried out awareness training among our employees and partners about the environmental impact of plastic waste and good practices at an individual level to reduce production of it.

In 2019, we eliminated plastic cups from water dispensing machines in our buildings and reduced plastic packaging and other plastic waste by 8%.