
Consult the policy on the use of Cookies

1. The NOS Commitment 

The protection of privacy and personal data is a fundamental commitment of all the companies that comprise the NOS Group(1) (“NOS”). It is with this commitment in mind that NOS uses cookies and similar devices on its websites or other online services. 


2. What are Cookies and what are they used for

2.1. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or mobile device when you access certain websites, or other online services. They contain information about your web browsing. The cookies used by NOS do not store sensitive personal information such as your address, password or bank details.

2.2. Cookies enable us to provide you with a personalised and safe browsing experience, making it simpler and faster, by allowing us to better understand your tastes, interests and online activity. For example, in certain websites, you can choose a background, a language or a city, preferences that can be remembered and applied when you return at a later date.

2.3. NOS’ websites and other online services use cookies and similar devices that are technically required for their proper technical operation (functional cookies, required for the provision of services). Additionally, if you choose to accept it, we can use cookies to analyse statistical information (cookies for service statistics/analytics), remember your preferences (preferences cookies) and customise advertisements to your interests (marketing cookies). 

2.4. With the exception of those required for the provision of services, cookies will only be collected if and only after you state your acceptance explicitly and freely.

2.5. You can also control the collection and use of cookies using your web browser, according to the terms mentioned below, in section 4: “How to manage cookies”.

3. Types of Cookies used 

Cookies used by NOS are classified as to their origin, expiration and purpose.

Cookie origin

First-party cookies

First-party cookies are those collected by the websites or online services visited. In this case, all the cookies collected by NOS, through the website or any other website under NOS’ responsibility such as

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are those collected by other websites different from those visited. For example, when you access NOS’ website we can redirect you to another company’s website – such as your social media account or a YouTube video on our page. When, for example, in Facebook, you "Like" a product or service displayed on our website, that social network may place cookies in your browser. NOS does not control the use of these cookies and, therefore, we advise you to consult the relevant websites cookie policy to ascertain how such cookies are used and how they can be managed by you.

It may happen that NOS products or services that use a different domain name also place cookies to show you advertisements or web pages from other NOS companies that may be of interest to you.


Cookie expiration

Session cookies

Session cookies are temporary files that are deleted when you close the browser.

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies remain stored in your browser until they are manually deleted or until the time period for which the cookies were programmed expires.


Cookie purpose

Cookies required for our service

These cookies are necessary and essential for the proper technical operation of the website and its features. Given this purpose, the collection of such cookies cannot be disabled on our systems.

Preferences cookies

These cookies enable the website to remember your preferences and custom feature settings so that you don't have to reconfigure the website each time you visit it (for example, remembering your language choice).

Cookies for statistical analysis of the service

These cookies are used to analyse statistical information regarding your use of NOS’ website, in order to improve its performance (for example, by storing the pages and links you accessed through the website). These cookies are collected in a way that does not directly identify you.

Personalised advertising cookies

These cookies may be installed through NOS’ website by external entities which may use them to show you ads on other websites that are relevant and suited to your interests. As an example, these cookies allow you to benefit from our tailored advertising on different websites. 

The cookies used in each website or other online services of NOS companies can be looked up in more detail in the List of Cookies accessible from the Cookie Configuration page. The processing of the information underlying cookies may be carried out directly by NOS or its subcontractors.


4. How to manage Cookies 

4.1. When you access NOS’ websites and online services for the first time, a window will appear on the screen of your computer or mobile device offering you the possibility to access cookie management options.

4.2. To manage the use of cookies, you can just click on “Configure cookies” or choose to accept all cookies by clicking on “Accept all cookies”.

4.3. You can manage the use of your cookies at any time using the button “Configure cookies” shown in the footer or in the settings section of NOS’ website or online service. You will be asked to review these settings every year.

4.4. Additionally, you can manage the collection and storage of cookies through the settings in your browser; you can delete previously stored cookies, as well as block the collection altogether. You can find all the information you need to do this by exploring the help pages specific to your browser, such as:


Microsoft Edge:

4.5. For more details on data protection and the way NOS processes your data, particularly regarding the categories of data processed, the purposes and legitimacy for data processing, retention periods and the exercise of rights, please read the NOS Customer Privacy Policy, available at


(1)  All companies that are in a controlling or group relationship with NOS SGPS, S.A., in accordance with article 21 of the Securities Code or another that replaces it.

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